Autumn in the Garden


Well Autumn is well on the way but there are still loads of things to do in the garden.

Here are some of the things that I'll be doing in the next 6 weeks:

1. DAHLIAS - the dahlias are still pumping out flowers I will dead head them all now so that they can spend some time putting their energy into making a bigger tuber. I will lift some of the ones that I want to move by the end of November, otherwise I will leave them in the ground and mulch over with compost, bark or leaf mould to create a some insulation!

2. SEEDS - now is a fantastic time to sow hardy annuals such as Orlaya (which I absolutely love), Ammi, Larkspur, Annual Salvia and of course Sweet Peas. Sweet peas have long roots and need to be sown in root trainers, 9cm pots (3 seeds) or 1 litre pots (5 seeds). We don't want lots of top growth in winter, the plants need to concentrate on making roots.

3. Anemone, Ranunculus and Butterfly Ranunculus - some of these be sown undercover in pots in my polytunnel. I will also sow some direct in beds outside but I will use a plastic caterpillar tunnel to keep the rain off them. These plants like temperatures on the cool side, 10c is perfect for them, so they do tolerate our Irish weather well as long as they aren't saturated with rain!. Remember not to over soak the corms (max 4 hours Ranunculus, 8-12 Butterfly Ranunculus and Anemone).

4. Tulips - November is the time to plant these beauties for gorgeous Spring colour, My favourite way to plant them is to use a long handled bulb planter but if you have lots to plant then digging a trench or large hole to plant them is the best idea. Remember to place them pointy bit up!

Well that's it for now.

Happy gardening
